Tuesday, 12 June 2018


Working together this month we produced feather designs working on them in the morning for two hours, later after our business meeting we selected by raffle another piece of feather work and continued to add stitches to the original item.  See our efforts below.

Our AGM was held after lunch when Yvonne took over the role of secretary, Liz will continue as treasurer, Sue M will continue as chair after a three month break betweenJuly August and September when different members will act as chair on a monthly basis.  
FEVA plans were discussed and will be similar to last year setting up on Thursday 9 August with a preview in the evening, from 10 to 18 the exhibition will open 10 until 4 daily.  A rota was begun for thiese dates, with those present adding their names.  There are gaps to fill for those not present at the meeting.
July meeting will be chaired by Jill.

A selection of feathers showing the changes from the first person to the second.  We all enjoyed the experience.

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